Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Summary and Response Reflection - Extra Credit

Summary and Response Reflection - Extra Credit

Q Please locate my feedback on your graded essay. Click on the Turnitin submission link you used to submit your essay, then click on your grade to open GradeMark. The video linked at the bottom of these instructions provides good step-by-step instructions. Once you've found my comments, I would like to ask you to reflect on them and type your response below. (There's no trick to this part of the assignment; I literally just want to make sure you know how to find my feedback on your papers. :) Along with my feedback, I'd like you to write a brief reflection addressing the following questions (please number your responses, but do not re-type the questions): 1. Where were you most successful? What improvements stand out? What steps did you take that you believe contributed to your successes? 2. How can you expand your knowledge? What skills need to be tweaked or fine-tuned? Where does effort need to be increased or reallocated? 3. What needs to change or stay the same in order for you to be successful? What should you do differently in the future to achieve your desired outcomes? How can this experience inform your future decision-making? Your response should be no less than 150 words (total, not for each of the three categories).

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1) Achieving the required level of originality not to mark the paper as being